Building Permits & Inspections

The City of Crawford contracts with Bureau Veritas for construction permits and inspections. Bureau Veritas will strive to assist you with your construction project in an efficient and accountable manner. They are responsible for permitting all construction and conducting inspections of all construction-related permits.

The Building Permits and Inspections Department is responsible for:

  • Conducting building construction inspections
  • Issuing building permits
  • Issuing certificate of occupancy permits
  • Reviewing building plans
  • Making sure that all projects submitted meet the regulations of current City Ordinances

To obtain a permit for both residential and commercial uses, simply download the forms below (if available) or give us a call and we will be happy to provide you with the necessary forms. You can email application to the City Secretary at

Contact Info

Alicia Chaney
City Secretary
6719 N. Lonestar Pkwy. / P.O. Box 7 Crawford, TX 76638